Doors Up: Inside the Truck with The Slice Truck

What makes a good food truck–one to which people will return again and again? Great food is the obvious answer, but, J and I realized that our favorite trucks not only serve good food but are also run by good people.

With that in mind, he and I decided to start this “Doors Up: Inside the Truck” series to introduce readers to our friends inside the trucks, the ones who work tirelessly to bring us their best and do it all with a smile. The food trucks themselves get a lot of attention, but what about the people who run them? Who are they? Hope you enjoy.

Doors Up: Inside the Truck w/ The Slice Truck from Noms Not Bombs on Vimeo.

Which food truck should be featured next? If you have any suggestions or run a truck that you would like to be profiled, leave a comment or email
The Slice Truck