Recipe: Kale and Soba Salad with Avocado Miso Dressing

Kale and Soba Salad
Kale and Soba Salad with Avocado Miso Dressing
While this blog might suggest that my diet consists entirely of splurge-worthy meals and dessert, I actually look at eating as a balancing act. During the week, I practice clean eating with lots of vegetables and minimal meat and carbs and, on weekends, I “cheat,” eating and photographing some truly delectable things. Because the weekend cheats are such a small portion of what I eat, I’m always on the look-out for quick, healthy meals, and this creamy, crunchy and filling Kale and Soba Salad with Avocado Miso Dressing (adapted from A House in the Hills) totally fits the bill. Bonus: it’s delicious when served cold and perfect for hot summer nights.
1 bunch dino/lacinato kale
1-2 package(s) buckwheat soba noodles
     *This is up to you. My boyfriend and I used two packages so we’d have leftovers and had more than enough kale and sauce.
1 avocado
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons white miso
1/2 lime
1/2 cucumber cut into chunks or ribbons
Sesame seeds for garnish (optional)
To Make:
*Follow the instructions on the soba’s packaging to cook the noodles.
*While the noodles are cooking, remove the stems from the kale and cut them into small pieces or ribbons and chop the cucumber.
*In a blender or food processor, combine avocado, garlic, miso, olive oil, juice from 1/2 lime and 3/4 cup water (more or less to achieve a consistency you like).
*When noodles are cooked, drain and rinse with hot water.
*In a large bowl, combine kale, cucumber, noodles and avocado miso dressing.
*Garnish with sesame seeds and serve with a wedge of lime.
     *This can be served warm or can be chilled before serving.
Serves 2 with some leftovers